A2 - Basic knowledge

Deutsch Aktiv language Institute courses. The course provides basic knowledge of the German language.

A2 Course details

German course information overview

  • Level: A2
  • Lessons: 20 lessons / week
  • Price: 539 €

Basic knowledge of the German language

A2-course, basic knowledge. The course teaches knowledge that prepares for simple, routine situations that involve a direct exchange of information about known things. You can understand and use phrases that describe your person and family, shopping, work, and the immediate environment, as well as immediate needs.


The vocabulary includes topics such as food and drink, media and transportation and transportation. You learn to describe and express your intentions and emotions, to talk about past events, to communicate your own opinion and to compare facts and to express advantages and disadvantages. Concrete speech acts and describing information are intensively practiced.



  • 08. January – 08. March 2024
  • 18. March – 24. May 2024
  • 03. June – 31. July 2024
  • 19. August – 11. October 2024
  • 21. October – 20. December 2024
  • January – March 2025
Deutsch Sprachschule Dortmund

Nächste Kursphase: 19.08.2024 – 11.10.2024

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